

Visual Artist

About Me

Adriana Roy-Rohozneanu (b. 2001) is a Tkronto-based fine artist that specializes in watercolour, oil and acrylic painting. She is a recent York University Graduate that majored in Visual Arts and Languages. 

She aims to use visual-storytelling to encapture what culture, pride and boldness mean to her. Her work is ultimately inspired by the vibrance of her West Indian heritage and the overall goal of her art is to ignite a variety of feelings, communicated through colour. Throughout the past few months, she has become a Founder, Painting Instructor and Artistic Director at Haze N’ Hues, donated contributions of her work to York Center 4 Palestine’s ‘Arts & Tarts for Palestine’ Fundraiser and partook in TrapxArt’s ‘A Tribute to the Freaknik Era’ Art show.

After her post-secondary studies, her focus has been placed on expanding her artistic curiosity through different forms such as airbrushing, along with building creative and community oriented safe-spaces for BIPOC and LGBTQ+ individuals in Tkaronto, and the surrounding GTA.